This promotion has now ended – stay tuned for more free reads, coming soon!
Thank you to all my lovely readers who have asked if I’ll do my free NJ Ice Cats’ short stories again for the festive season. When you say such nice things about my bite-sized reads, how can I resist? 🙂
So, for your reading pleasure in those stolen moments over the holiday season, here are three NJ Ice Cats’ short stories:

Just Good Friends?
Ice Cats defenseman, Taylor ‘Mad Dog’ Madden wants more than friendship from Lizzie Martin. Much more. So when a Christmas party provides the chance to kick their relationship up a gear, should he take it or will he lose her completely?

When Ice Cats’ forward, Vladimir ‘Vlad’ Ralinkov, gets caught in a snowstorm, on his way back from a game, he seeks refuge in his favourite diner. Could this be the opportunity he’s been waiting for to heat things up with lovely diner owner, Poppy Lambert, or will she leave him out in the cold?

Be Careful What You Wish For
New Year’s Eve hasn’t been kind to Ice Cats’ forward, Nate Gallison. This year, he’s responsible for the team’s loss. All he wants is a quiet night. But when a sexy brunette in a red dress needs help escaping from the date from hell, he wonders if a little festive hide-and-seek can lead to a magical midnight for them both?
Simply click on the cover and you should be able to download your free short story.
As a bonus, you can also download the French and/or German versions of A Perfect Party. Simply click on the covers below to download.

Rien que des amis?
Taylor ‘Mad Dog’ Madden, défenseur des Ice Cats, veut plus que l’amitié de Lizzie Martin. Beaucoup plus. Alors, lorsqu’une fête de Noël lui donne l’occasion de passer à la vitesse supérieure, doit-il la saisir, au risque de la perdre complètement?

Nur gute Freunde?
Der Verteidiger der Ice Cats, Taylor ‘Mad Dog’ Madden, will mehr als nur Freundschaft mit Lizzie Martin. Viel mehr. Bei einer Weihnachtsparty bietet sich die Gelegenheit, diesen Wunsch in die Tat umzusetzen. Soll er die Chance ergreifen, oder riskiert er damit, Lizzie zu verlieren?
But remember, these won’t be available forever – on Jan 6 they will be gone! So remember to download them!
However you celebrate the festive season, wishing you and yours a happy and healthy one! Please take care and stay safe so that we can all have a better 2021!